July 2020

db©David Bailey

Wanstead – always in vogue

As a portrait photographer who became as famous as his celebrity subjects, David Bailey needs no introduction. As a ‘place of heaven in the East End’, Wanstead Park needs no introduction either. When


Remembering Peter

Essex Art Club is sorry to announce the death of Wanstead resident Peter Luscombe, whose training as an architect led to a lifelong hobby.  Chair of Essex Art Club Mary Springham reports


Travellers Tales

Woodford Arts Group member Ged Rumak explains his love of Venice and why he chose that city for his entry in the group’s travel-themed virtual exhibition


Yoga in uncertain times

South Woodford resident Seetal Kaur discovered yoga before coronavirus become headline news. During lockdown, that discovery became an essential part of his physical and mental wellbeing


Old enough to…

In the 10th of a series of articles looking at the work of Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering, Janet West explains how they have risen to the challenge of coronavirus

DSCF6178©Geoff Wilkinson

Floating ideas

Rising at Molehill Green in Essex, the River Roding passes through the Wanstead and Woodford area en route to the Thames, bringing with it a very real flood risk to local homes. In the

Acr20649336244160-451822Bagatelle at the Disability Games

Charity starts…

While the Rotary Club of Leytonstone and Woodford supports global causes, it is particularly focused on the local community and other deserving causes closer to home, says John Bracken