A dog carer from South Woodford has been nominated as finalist in the national Animal Star Awards
The Renters’ Rights Bill will make several significant changes to the private rented sector, explains James Harrison from local solicitors Edwards Duthie Shamash
Recent changes to local bus routes have impacted the lives of many local residents, including 13-year-old Lola Bullman-Borg, who now finds her journey to and from school more stressful
Some South Woodford scribbles from DD, our resident diarist and observer of all things local. Illustrated by Evelyn Rowland
Families are invited to take part in activities in Elmhurst Gardens this spring
Volunteers have been working to help otters thrive in a local stretch of the River Roding.
Often cited as the nation’s most popular prime minister, Winston Churchill – who died 60 years ago – was one of the most significant figures of the 20th century. He was also our local MP. Emily Allen reports
Whipps Cross Hospital has confirmed it has no objections to the W14 bus passing through hospital grounds
A decision on the application for a development at Holy Trinity Church on Hermon Hill is expected in March.
The South Woodford Islamic Centre has donated £5,000 to Haven House Children’s Hospice
The president of the Woodford Historical Society will be celebrating local history on 13 March with a presentation of images from his archives
A charity dedicated to providing therapeutic art sessions for young adults with additional needs is being launched by a local resident