October 2019

Miss-Gordon-and-the-First-Staff-RThe school’s first staff and first headmistress Miss Gordon

Old girls

As Woodford County High School For Girls marks its centenary, Deputy Headteacher Colin Jenkins reflects on 100 years of history and traditions, which have been encapsulated in a new book by the Chairman of the Old Girls’ Association...


Future for Whipps

Local resident Charlotte Monro explains why campaigning must continue for the redevelopment of Whipps Cross Hospital, despite government funding confirmation At a public meeting on 15 October, Barts Health Trust presented their current proposals...


Keep South Woodford tidy

The South Woodford Society will be hosting another community litter pick this weekend. Participants should meet at the front of South Woodford Library at 10am on 13 October. Equipment will be supplied, but...


Tackling crime

Wanstead Village ward councillors Jo Blackman, Daniel Morgan-Thomas and Paul Donovan discuss crime and the work they do to keep crime rates low, and urge residents to engage with local police. Rates of...