September 2021

Crescent2Crescent Road, South Woodford

Save our street

Residents of Crescent Road, South Woodford were shocked to discover a developer has plans to build a block of flats opposite their homes on an area currently covered by trees. The Crescent Road


Magic forest

Woodford Arts Group member Emma Liebeskind introduces her project tracking the changing seasons in Epping Forest, which was born out of the first lockdown and continues to inspire her


School’s in!

Students from Woodbridge High School have been contributing ideas to the South Woodford Society’s Neighbourhood Plan, and are keen to emphasise sustainability. Sheila Qazi and Kate Sheehan report 

derbyroad©Geoff Wilkinson

Weather fronts

Following the recent flooding across Redbridge, Bernice Butcher is keen to promote sensible use of our front gardens to reduce the flood risk, citing this good example on Derby Road, South Woodford. Photo by

isaacIsaac Harvey

Listen to our youth

Councillor Rosa Gomez (Churchfields, Labour) is organising an event in South Woodford for young people to say what they really want. Among the speakers will be inspirational Redbridge hero Isaac Harvey

wtfcWoodford Town FC vs Stansted FC

It’s come home

Woodford Town FC finally returned to the borough in August for their inaugural match at the refurbished Ashton Playing Fields after years of ground-sharing in Harlow. John Dillon reports