March 2022

sp2WSPU badges designed by Sylvia Pankhurst

History comes home

Redbridge Museum will open a new permanent exhibition later this year exploring 200,000 years of local history. In the first of a series of articles, Museum Officer Nishat Alam looks at some of


Ground rent grounded

Derek Inkpin from local solicitors Wiseman Lee explains why a new law is a step in the right direction to ending the ground rent scandal in the world of leasehold property

IMG_9198South Woodford Business Forum meeting in February

Shop local in a click

Elaine Atkins and Rena Pathak of the South Woodford Business Forum welcome the launch of new virtual high street service Click It Local, which they hope will be embraced by shops here

1IMG_1586©Geoff Wilkinson

Street space

As the pandemic wanes, will high streets return to their previous state, or will temporary changes to street space become part of the ‘new normal’? Dr Emilia Smeds from the University of Westminster introduces the


Active action

Local resident Dr Mark Hayden is the Redbridge Climate Safe Streets Champion for the London Cycling Campaign and believes urgent action is needed to make our streets safe for active travel