
Designing the future of South Woodford: have your say in design code survey


The South Woodford Neighbourhood Forum has launched an online community portal in connection with its newly drafted design code, which will help influence the future development of the local area.

“Design codes provide a framework for creating healthy, safe, sustainable and distinctive places, with a consistent and high-quality standard of design… This new portal will build on previous engagement and insights from the community,” explained Pearl Arbenser-Simmonds.

The portal uses an interactive map and other engagement tools to find out what matters most to residents and visitors alike, with respondents asked to identify locations that require improvement or would benefit from additional amenities, such as better street lighting, more trees, new playgrounds or increased accessibility.

“Our design code will provide a long-term vision for South Woodford, so tell us what matters most to you!”

The survey is open until 30 November.
