May 2024

rr-1Ruth Rendell (born 17 February 1930, died 2 May 2015)

Writing History

Ruth Rendell was best known for her crime novels featuring Chief Inspector Wexford. Less well known is that the author was born in South Woodford. Emily Allen explores the life of our local

2swanenhanced©Mark O’Dell

Park life

In the seventh of a series of articles featuring the images of local photographers who document the wildlife of Wanstead Park and the surrounding area, Mark O’Dell presents his shot of a Mute Swan


Plotting progress

As the South Woodford Design Code continues to develop in earnest, Pearl Arbenser-Simmonds reports on the work underway to create an online map of community assets


Time for flexitime

Jo Cullen from local solicitors Edwards Duthie Shamash takes a look at the improvements to employee rights following recent changes to the flexible working request regime

Screenshot_20230621_005737_FacebookClass photo with Miss Francis

Fields of Memories

In the second of a series of articles to mark Churchfields Infants’ and Junior School’s 150th anniversary, former pupil Carol Elsbury (class of 1972) reflects on her memories of Miss Francis and Mr