March 2021

DSC_8650-copyElmhurst Gardens by Geoff Wilkinson

For the trees

Redbridge Council’s Principal Arboricultural and Horticultural Officer Peter Marshall heads up a team responsible for thousands of trees across the borough. With South Woodford’s felled trees being replaced in March, Peter explains the

fen-2-copyThe National Trust’s Wicken Fen nature reserve. ©Andy Mabbett

Opening doors

While National Trust properties remain closed, Richard Speller, chairman of the charity’s Woodford and District Centre, is pleased to have launched the group’s programme of virtual talks


Current climate

Paul Kaufman, Chair of East London Humanists, introduces their March public event on climate change and explains what the local group is up to in the Covid era


Building up

Permitted development rights in place since 1 September 2020 allow homeowners to extend upwards without planning permission. But it’s not without obstacles, says Derek Inkpin from solicitors Wiseman Lee