

Whole New World

Woodford Pantomime has made the decision to postpone their show for this year’s festive season. Here, Judy Linard looks back on the group’s six decades of performances – which started with Cinderella in 1961

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Amazing grazing

John Philips, Grazing and Landscape Projects Officer at Epping Forest, reports on the City of London Corporation’s successful cattle-grazing trial in Wanstead Park. Photo by Geoff Wilkinson

Boy-and-Santa-(3)©Alison Stenhouse

A magical gift

From seascapes to The Shard, South Woodford resident Alison Stenhouse is a gifted artist with a diverse portfolio… which now also includes Santa

gw-1Grace during one of her perfomances

Why can’t you see me?

Wanstead teenager Grace Wolstenholme invites you to watch her YouTube channel for an insight into her life with cerebral palsy. In the second of a series of articles, the aspiring actor talks about


Park & ride?

Redbridge Cycling is keen to hear your feedback on proposals to open new cycle routes through Wanstead Park. Gill James and Haydn Powell report on an often contentious subject

wc-1Sir Winston Churchill

Is he ‘Our Churchill’?

An article about the vandalism of the Woodford Green Churchill statue in our last issue prompted a number of objections to how the former prime minister was presented. Reader Sarah P was invited