Digging, Draining and Levelling
Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall RoadHow the unemployed remade Wanstead Park and Wanstead Flats. A presentation by Mark Gorman and Peter Williams for the Wanstead Historical Society.
The Making of The Wizard of Oz
Woodford Memorial Hall, E18 2PAA presentation by David Allen for the Wanstead & Woodford U3A. Visitors welcome.
Wanstead Business Buzz
The Cuckfield, 31 High Street, WansteadFace-to-face, drop-in business networking.
Bereavement café afternoon session
St Mary's Church, South WoodfordFor people struggling with feelings of loss.
BSL Sign Supported English practice session
Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall RoadHosted by local resident Lorna Paterson. Repeated on 19 March at 6.45pm.
Open Table at Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church, Hermon Hill, E18 1QQJoin a community meal open to all. Main meal provided. Bring dessert to share or a contribution to Redbridge Foodbank. Children and families welcome. No alcohol. No need to book.
Rossetti’s Stunners
Redbridge Drama Centre, E18 2RBA new play, part theatre, part lecture, part riff on beauty, gender and class. Featuring writer and performer Elaine Britten.
Wanstead Man Cave
11–13 Cambridge Park, Wanstead, E11 2PUA donation-based peer support space for men held at Wanstead Mental Health Clinic. Repeats weekly.
Spam Ford: Ten Pound Pam
Redbridge Drama Centre, E18 2RBComedy with Pam Ford. Born in Birmingham, raised in Australia and now living in South Woodford, she is a proud Brit but just cannot hide her broad Aussie accent and […]
Wonder Women: 100 Years of Women’s Lives in Redbridge
Redbridge Central Library, IG1 1EAAn exhibition documenting the lives of women in Ilford, Wanstead and Woodford over the past 100 years.
Haven House Fundraiser Disco
Woodford Rugby Club, IG8 9LBAll profits from this event will be going to Haven House Children’s Hospice.