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Days of Dolly Blue and Izal

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

A presentation about growing up in a large industrial city in the 1940s by Brian Carline for the Wanstead Historical Society.


Wanstead Business Buzz

The Cuckfield, 31 High Street, Wanstead

Face-to-face, drop-in business networking.


Wanstead Man Cave

11–13 Cambridge Park, Wanstead, E11 2PU

A donation-based peer support space for men held at Wanstead Mental Health Clinic. Repeats weekly.

by donation

Wanstead Business Network

Wanstead Golf Club, Overton Drive

A weekly networking meeting for local business owners. Booking required.

first visit free

Wanstead Village ward Councillor Surgery

Allan Burgess Centre, High Street, E11 2AE

Councillors Jo Blackman, Paul Donovan and Daniel Morgan-Thomas. Repeated on 22 February.


Valentine’s Vintage & More Fair

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

From Valentine’s cards and gifts to vintage finds. Plus, face painting or glitter tattoos for children, teas and homemade cakes. A Flamingo Fairs event.

free entry