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Move It or Lose It Class

Woodford Memorial Hall, E18 2PA

An exercise class that can be done seated or standing, covering flexibility, aerobic, balance and strength (and a cup of tea).


Wanstead Business Network

Wanstead Golf Club, Overton Drive

A weekly networking meeting for local business owners. Booking required.

first visit free

Wanstead Library Grief Cafe

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

A safe and confidential space to meet others and to share thoughts and feelings around the experience of grief and a loss.


St Gabriel’s Christmas Market

St Gabriel’s Church, Aldersbrook, E12 5HH

Stalls, refreshments, Father Christmas and the limited edition Aldersbrook collection by Muriel & Me (tea towels, baubles and coasters). Repeated on 7 December from 12 noon to 3pm.


Winter Wreath Workshops

Creative Biscuit, 61 George Lane, E18 1JJ

Create a natural wreath to hang on your front door this Christmas.



Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

Gifts galore from jams to jewellery, crystals to plants and a special art selection. Plus refreshments and face painting.

free entry

Local Makers Market

Christ Church Hall, E11 2SW

Handmade products from local designer-makers. Including screen prints, ceramics, jewellery, homewares and textiles.

free entry

Churchfields Winter Fayre

Churchfields, South Woodford, E18 2RB

Arts and crafts, Christmas stalls, refreshments and Santa’s Grotto.


The Duke Christmas Market

The Duke, 79 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead

Festive stalls and entertainment.

free entry