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Music on the Hill

Holy Trinity Church, Hermon Hill, E18 1QQ

Featuring a soprano and pianist performing a varied programme, including opera arias, West End musical favourites, Latin love songs and piano solos.

£8 – £18

South Woodford Repair Café

Woodford Memorial Hall, E18 2PA

Bring your broken items to the repair cafe to give them a new lease of life.


Vision Board Workshop

Wanstead Works, 34-40 High Street, E11 2RJ

Get ready to dream big and create your vision board with The Plus Planner at this aspirations workshop.


South Woodford Litter Pick

Community Orchard, South Woodford

Litter picks, hoops, hi-vis vests and gloves will be available. Organised by the South Woodford Society. Repeated on 23 February.


Wanstead Community Market

Wanstead High Street

Monthly market offering a wide range of food and craft products.

Days of Dolly Blue and Izal

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

A presentation about growing up in a large industrial city in the 1940s by Brian Carline for the Wanstead Historical Society.


Wanstead Business Buzz

The Cuckfield, 31 High Street, Wanstead

Face-to-face, drop-in business networking.
