12 events found.
Ray Park Action Day
Ray Park, Woodford Green, IG8 7JFPlanting flowers, weeding, watering, pruning, maintenance projects, updating noticeboards and litter picking.
Our Lady of Lourdes Autumn Fayre
Our Lady of Lourdes, E11 2PRCrafts and gifts from local producers. Refreshments available. Repeated on 17 November from 10am to 1.30pm.
Gardening Session at the Orchard
Community Orchard, South WoodfordAll welcome. repeated on 15 December.
South Woodford Community Market
George Lane, South WoodfordMonthly market offering a range of products.
Christmas Flower arranging demonstration
Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall RoadRobin White presents to the Woodford and District Floral Arrangement Group. Visitors welcome.
Bereavement café morning session
Christ Church, Wanstead Place, E11 2SWFor people struggling with feelings of loss.
Valentines Mansion and its Owners
All Saints Church Hall, Woodford GreenA talk by Georgina Green for the Woodford and District Centre of the National Trust. Visitors welcome.
Wanstead Christmas lights switch-on
George Green, WansteadGather around Wanstead's Christmas tree as the lights are switched on.