
Green up your street in 2020: January deadline to adopt a tree pit near your home


Residents keen on beautifying the streets of South Woodford for the year ahead are urged not to miss the 2020 deadline for adopting a tree pit near their home.

“Planting bee-friendly flowers under a street tree will make your road look beautiful, reduce chemicals being sprayed and help local  wildlife,” said a spokesperson for South Woodford Gardeners, which is aiming to increase the number of street trees across the neighbourhood planted at their base to support pollinating insects by creating stepping-stone habitats between surrounding green spaces.

“Just email the council by 25 January to tell them the location of the tree you’re adopting and they’ll provide a label to stop it being sprayed. Plant the base with wild flowers, geraniums, herbs or any other small plants. They can be really successful, even if there isn’t much soil.”

Email or click here for more information on what to plant and street gardening safety advice.