
Volunteers needed to ensure Woodford Festival continues in 2020 and beyond

100_1753Members of the WFA committee

The Woodford Festival Association (WFA) is appealing for new volunteers to help ensure the next event – planned for October 2020 – can go ahead.

The biennial festival – which takes place over the course of a week – embraces a wide range of performing and visual arts, presented mostly by local residents. WFA chairman Geoff Seeff was delighted with the community’s positive response to the nearly 100 individual events that were staged in 2018 and believes that, since its launch in 2008, the festival has become one of the defining features of the local area.

“It’s great fun. We are able to provide a forum for some amazingly talented musicians, artists, poets and speakers and they in turn are able to give much pleasure to their audiences. But there is also quite a lot of work involved in raising funds, arranging venues and preparing programmes and publicity material, and we would benefit from new blood and ideas,” said Geoff.
