
Blossom Day in South Woodford: a celebration of growth and community


The first annual Blossom Day celebration took place at the South Woodford Community Orchard last weekend.

“This is our new annual event to enjoy the fruit trees, flowers and buzzing pollinators. Our team of fabulous volunteers celebrated in style with a hands-on gardening session. Everything is growing brilliantly at the moment, including the weeds, so most of the session was spent weeding the central bed where we planted raspberries a couple of months ago,” said a spokesperson for the South Woodford Society, which established the orchard in 2021.

And the site – located on the corner of Primrose Road and Mulberry Way – is set to undergo more development this summer, with plans to lay woodchip paths for better access around the plants. “Our next volunteer day will be held on 19 May from 11am; everyone of all ages is welcome!”
