A stem cell transplant registration session will be held at Woodford Rugby Club on 21 September.
The club – located near Woodford County High School – is appealing for volunteers aged 16-30 to come forward (this age range is dictated by the Anthony Nolan Trust charity, who are organising the event).
“My good friend Anne Juliff has a rare form of blood cancer and needs urgent help as she searches for potential stem cell donors to arrest her blood cancer, Myelofibrosis. And there are many others who need a donor. None of the current stem cell banks throughout Europe have a match and time for Anne is running out. The chances of a match for Anne and others is extremely rare but the more volunteers who come forward the greater the chance of a match,” said Claire Clegg.
The registration session runs from 4pm to 9pm and involves a Covid test-style swab and supplying some contact details. If a match is found they will be contacted to discuss the next steps.