
COVID-19 vaccine survey


Healthwatch Redbridge is asking people to complete a survey about COVID-19 vaccines.

Two vaccines have now been produced and approved for emergency use and the NHS has begun vaccinating people against coronavirus at numerous hospital hubs in the country’s biggest immunisation programme in history.

“We are aware that some communities and individuals are slightly reticent about having a vaccination. With this in mind, we are currently asking people to tell us if they were offered the vaccination would they have it, and if not, why not? Once you have completed the survey, we would appreciate if you could share the link with people you are in contact with, including colleagues, family and friends in order for us to understand where there might be concerns and to ensure we can provide specific information for individuals to make informed choices on being immunised,” said a Healthwatch Redbridge spokesperson.

The survey itself is anonymous and has an optional section where you can leave your contact details if you wish to say more on the topic.

“We feed back information to NHS and care providers to ensure they understand the issues that local people face.”

The survey takes about four minutes to complete.

Click here to take part.

Do not contact your GP for a COVID-19 vaccine. The NHS will contact people directly and there will be extensive public information announcements about how, where and when you can get vaccinated.