Redbridge Council has unveiled plans to bring waste collections back in-house by ending its contract with Amey and creating a new council-owned company to manage the service. “This is a huge win for the borough as it ends our reliance on a private company,” said the council leader....
Two South Woodford residents will be making final touches to their gardens in May and June as they prepare to open their gates to the public for the charitable National Garden Scheme (NGS). Helen Auty of 46 Cheyne Avenue will be taking part in the initiative for the seventh time when she welcomes visitors to her fruit and vegetable garden on 7 July (12 noon to 5pm; entry: £4). While Laura Piercy-Farley of 25 Mulberry Way will open her Italian patio-style garden for the first time on 14 July (1pm to 5pm; entry: £3). Helen and Laura are among 3,500 gardeners in England and Wales taking part in the scheme. “Thanks to the generosity of owners, volunteers and visitors, we have donated a total of...
Changes to parking regulations at Sainsbury’s in South Woodford will come into force on 7 May. The new rules will require shoppers who use one of the 298 car parking spaces to spend at least £5 in store in order to receive a parking voucher. Drivers will then be required to scan the voucher at a kiosk in the foyer and to enter their vehicle registration number to authorise two hours of free parking. Shoppers spending less than £5 at the George Lane supermarket will be allowed to park for up to 15 minutes without the need to validate their parking. “We are doing this to enable the genuine customers of South Woodford Sainsbury’s to be able to shop and park where they want, when...
South Woodford Library will be taking part in the nationwide 30th birthday celebrations for Elmer the Patchwork Elephant this May. “For 30 years Elmer has stood for accepting who you are and celebrating difference. We are all different… The differences are what make the world so rich. It’s strange, because we humans seem to like difference in other things, in dogs and trees and flowers, but we don’t accept it in people. If people aren’t like us, we don’t accept them. Elmer tried to be like the other elephants, but in the end, he has to be himself,” said author and artist David McKee, who first published Elmer in 1989 and went on to write 39 follow-up titles. Over 8m copies have been sold worldwide....
Businesses in the George Lane and Woodford High Road areas got together in April for the South Woodford Business Forum’s (SWBF) latest meeting. The forum – which was re-established last year to improve communication and provide support for high street traders – was also attended by local councillors and a representative of Redbridge Council, the South Woodford Society and Churchfields Ward Panel. “At the meeting, Krisztina Vamos (Redbridge West Neighbourhood Engagement and Education Officer) and Councillors Rosa Gomez and Clark Vasey listened to businesses’ concerns about littering, homelessness and traffic,” said an SWBF spokesperson. The next forum is scheduled for 12 July at 11am in the Sainsbury’s meeting room. Email
Residents are being asked for their views on plans to reinstate the powers of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for the west of the borough, which includes Bridge, Monkhams, Churchfields, South Woodford, Wanstead Village and Wanstead Park wards. The previous PSPO – which expired in October 2018 – prevented street drinking, and it has been proposed to update this order to crack down on other issues, including aggressive begging, public urination, loitering and spitting. The PSPO will enable police and council officers to issue a fixed penalty notice to the sum of £100 to those failing to comply with the order. If agreed, the changes will come into effect this summer for three years (unless revoked sooner by the council). The consultation closes on...
Local resident Michelle Vanlint is aiming to raise close to £10k for Haven House Children’s Hospice at her annual tea and cake party in the garden of her South Woodford home this summer. “The event gets bigger each year and I need the support and help of the community in order to make this year’s event bigger and better than the last,” said Michelle, who raised over £8k in 2018. The event – which will take place at 12 Derby road on 14 June from 11am to 6pm – will be the 14th party Michelle has hosted in aid of the Woodford Green charity. “Please get in touch if you can help with raffle prizes or baking. Help on the day before or on the day will...
A number of changes are to be made to children’s centres across Redbridge. The recommendations follow a public consultation with users, staff and other stakeholders, and an ongoing need to reduce spending to plug a £650k gap in council finances. The council will now offer free access to all services at the centres for every family for the first sixth months after a child’s birth, after which a fee of £2 per family per session will apply. And while the council proposes to keep all eight main ‘hub’ centres open, four of the borough’s 13 ‘satellite’ centres with the lowest levels of resident use will close in September, including the Oakdale Road centre in South Woodford, which is only used for two hours per week....
South Woodford became the 78th Underground station to be fully step-free following the completion of TfL works in March. Having previously only offered step-free access for customers using the eastbound entrance – for services to Epping – the installation of a new ramp at the westbound entrance now also provides a step-free pathway for customers travelling into central London. “I’m delighted this station has become step-free because it is used by so many of our residents to travel across the borough and into central London. Step-free access will hugely benefit many of our residents with mobility issues, luggage or buggies,” said Leader of Redbridge Council, Councillor Jas Athwal. South Woodford station sees almost 5.3m customer journeys each year....
A Year 4 pupil from Churchfields Junior School has raised over £1,400 for Children with Cancer UK by cutting off 30cm of her hair. Woodford resident Hanna Burska then donated her locks to the Little Princess Trust, who create real-hair wigs for children who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. “If you know Hanna, you know how much she loves her long hair and cutting off 30cm was a big challenge! She was overwhelmed with all the support,” said Hanna’s mum. Visit
Members of the East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue (ELELS) in South Woodford presented a cheque for £1,486.66 to the charity Tzedek UK in April. It follows last year’s decision by worshippers at the Marlborough Road venue to select Tzedek for their Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) appeal. Tzedek works with the UK Jewish community to help reduce poverty in overseas communities by developing partnerships and connecting with future leaders. “Tzedek was delighted to be chosen as the recipient of appeal. It is truly inspiring that communities like ELELS can dig deep and realise the obligation we have to support those living in extreme poverty. Thank you so much for the big cheque!” said Judith Stanton, chief executive of the charity, which took 3,577 people...
The West Essex Archaeological Group will host a presentation by TV presenter Gustav Milne on 13 May (7.45pm; free), looking at the siting and development of the ancient port of London. The talk will examine a wide range of records, including the geological and physical features of the area together with social, political and trading changes. Gustav – who is a presenter on the Channel 4 series Britain at Low Tide – has been a lecturer at UCL since 1991. The event – known as the Rudge Lecture – will take place at Woodford County High School. “The Rudge Lecture is free to all, and members of the public are warmly invited to come along to enjoy the talk. It is presented annually in honour...