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HItchcock: the Hollywood years

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

A presentation by tour guide and Hitchcock expert Gary Lewis for the Wanstead Historical Society.


Wanstead Library Grief Cafe

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road

A safe and confidential space to meet others, and to share and explore thoughts and feelings around the experience of grief and a loss.


Food Growing Workshop

Ray Park Community Garden, IG8 7JF

Learn what garden jobs to do this month on your home plot and get involved in some practical tasks in the kitchen garden. Hosted by the Woodford Greeners.


Local Makers Market

Christ Church Hall, E11 2SW

Handmade products from local designer-makers. Including screen prints, ceramics, jewellery, homewares and textiles.

free entry

The Redbridge Parks Circular Ride

meet at Wanstead Park Tea Hut, E12 5HA

A gently paced, family-friendly ride organised by the Redbridge Cycling Campaign.


Wanstead Park Litter Pick

the Temple, Wanstead Park, E11 2LT

Hosted by the Friends of Wanstead Parklands.
